

Marcel Weber the owner of Weber Technics,

installed and serviced for more than 18 years,

all the Ohio engravers, and the equipment belonging to it, worldwide.

Autum 1993, Marcel Weber got several trainings from Ohio Electronic Engravers.

Spring 2004, Marcel Weber founded Weber Technics.

Autum 2004, Weber Technics moved to Bassersdorf.

Autum 2013 until now, Weber Technics is reorganizing and on the move again.


Weber Technics provides a professional service to the existing and the future Ohio customers.

The specialities of Weber Technics are the service, troubleshooting,

upgrading and trade of used Ohio (OEE) equipment.

We have a large and growing stock of 'Ohio Electronic Engraver' spare parts.

Also we provide any other machinery for rotogravure.

Since we know the market we can assist you to find many machines,

tools and contacts you need for your daily business.


Our old office in Switzerland